Service Provided by Us


CADS provides a full range of multi-disciplinary project services to clients in both the private & public sector & to international aid agencies, including.

1. Feasibility

2. Software Development

3. Project planning & economic assessment

4. Design & documentation

5. Project management

6. Training, operations & maintenance




These services are offered from a range of divisions & technical groups that from the nucleus of the practice. Providing the framework & an international focus for all its activities, these divisions & groups are:


GIS/LIS : Functional Design Services (FDS), Digitization, Database creation, data integration, Query Building, Reporting, Resource Management, Mapping, Facility Management, etc.


Engineering Documentation : Large format color SCANNING, RASTER to VECTOR conversion.


Software Development : CADS has started 100% export oriented unit to boost its software outside India. CADS is fully equipped with latest workstation & follows international standards to develop the package.